

  • 主演:威廉·弗西斯  Hunter  Tylo  Jeffrey  Combs  
  • 导演:Michael  Oblowitz  
  • 分类:喜剧片
  • 地区:美国
  • 年份:2005
  • 更新:2024-06-07 14:13
  • 简介:A scientist performing illegal stem cell research is trying to find a cure for cancer. After the transfer of shark cells is made into a human test subject, the ill man gets well again and it looks li..


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电影变种鲨鱼人上映于2005年的美国,变种鲨鱼人电影是一部上映之后获得不错好评的喜剧片,导演Michael,Oblowitz请来了威廉·弗西斯,Hunter,Tylo,Jeffrey,Combs等主演,变种鲨鱼人剧情简介:A scientist performing illegal stem cell research is trying to find a cure for cancer. After the transfer of shark cells is made into a human test subject, the ill man gets well again and it looks like the treatment was a success. But the experiment goes wrong, and the man transforms into monster half-shark half-human. But the scientist knows how to use this to his advantage. He has invited some of his old pals to the island and is hoping to take revenge on them with his new creature. But do they have any tricks up their sleeve


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