• 正在播放加菲猫和他的朋友们第六季第13集
  • 剧情介绍
In honor to celebrate the 15th anniversary of Garfield, CBS aired the sixth season in 1993. For this season, the titles changed at the beginning. Instead of showing clips from only the first two seasons, which is what happened for the last three seasons, the titles included more clips from the fifth season, plus some from this season and one from a second season episode Health Feud, but still retaining a large amount of the original clips. However, the theme tune remained the same. Episodes 90–96 are available on the Garfield and Friends Volume 4 DVD set. Episodes 97–105 are available on Garfield and Friends Volume 5 DVD set.


  • 6.0HD山羊和狼内详
  • 9.0HD一只鞋内详
  • 7.0HD海底历险记凯瑟琳·巴尔,Elijah Dhavvan,贾斯汀·伊扎里克
  • 6.0HD向着明亮那方朱悦嘉,王诗懿,于小芙,贾邱,张金玲,朱彦潼,金娜,陈婷婷,戴海嘉,萧翟,邹风沁,李翔,苏亦菲,刘正宇,赵奔,蔡婕琳,彭师欣,衍予,杨启斌,杨子皓,梁以恒,刘舜,易卓志,于洪超,孙根庆,焦敬阁,王凯,邹亮,何向东,陆天成,张昱,杨鸥,杜晴晴,吴思禹,李倩,魏思芸,刘毛宁,张宇轩,王芮,徐冲,朱依东,张理,彭崇富,李敏,冯九兰
  • 8.0OAD4野良神OAD4神谷浩史,内田真礼,梶裕贵,泽城美雪,福山润,巽悠衣子,丰崎爱生,小野大辅,山本兼平
  • 7.0OAD3野良神OAD3神谷浩史,内田真礼,梶裕贵,泽城美雪,福山润,井上和彦,东城日沙子,丰崎爱生,小野大辅,大川透,今井麻美

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